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Welcome to Zood

Zood is a Lua library for ComputerCraft that provides a powerful and flexible way to validate and transform data structures. Inspired by Zod for TypeScript, Zood brings type safety and schema validation to Lua, making it easier to handle complex data in your ComputerCraft programs.


  • Type Validation: Ensure data matches expected types (e.g., strings, numbers, tables).
  • Custom Validators: Add custom validation logic to suit your needs.
  • Data Transformation: Transform data as it is validated (e.g., trim strings, convert case).
  • Error Handling: Detailed error messages for debugging and validation failures.
  • Schema Composition: Combine schemas to create complex validation rules.


To use Zood in your ComputerCraft programs, download the z.lua file and include it in your project:


Quick Start

Here’s a quick example of how to use Zood to validate a table:

local z = require("z")

-- Define a schema
local schema = z.table({
  name = z.string(),
  age = z.number():positive(),
  email = z.string():email()

-- Data to validate
local data = {
  name = "Alice",
  age = 30,
  email = "[email protected]"

-- Validate the data
local success, result = schema:safeParse(data)

if success then
  print("Data is valid!")
  print("Validation errors:")
  for _, err in ipairs(result) do

Why Use Zood?

  • Type Safety: Ensure your data adheres to expected formats and structures.
  • Readable Code: Define schemas in a clean and declarative way.
  • Error Handling: Get detailed error messages when validation fails.
  • Extensibility: Add custom validators and transformations to fit your use case.



Contributions are welcome! If you’d like to contribute to Zood, please read our Contributing Guide.


Zood is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.